WolfSafePoorPeople Token Logo

WSPP [WolfSafePoorPeople] Token

About WSPP


Token 3 years
CoinGecko 3 years
CoinMarketCap 3 years
[CoinMarketCap] alert: The WSPP(Polygon) page was created because there's a huge price gap between WSPP(BSC) and WSPP(Polygon).
white paper

Wolf Safe Poor People (WSPP) It is the first currency that has a program to reduce world poverty with binance smart chain to technology to help get fundraising results, we built a platform for Helping poor people world wide with Dapps.

WSPP is the native BEP20/ERC20 token from Wolf Safe Poor People that powers its ecosystem on both the Binance Smart Chain and Multichain. In addition to being a utility token and providing trading liquidity and incentives, the WSPP token is designed to facilitate and encourage decentralized governance of the protocol. Thus, WSPP token holders can use it to bet their tokens to get their own WSPP Tokens or Tokens in collaboration with the WSPP Platform. Currently developing in NFT DeFi in which the WSPP Token is the main token for trading as well as betting.


Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 14 August 2022

Token seems to be legit.

Token is flagged by TokenSniffer due to presence of exploit in contract code

Contract ownership is not renounced (belongs to a wallet)

TokenBEP20.constructor() (#80-87) uses literals with too many digits:
- _totalSupply = 50000000000000000e0 (#84)
WolfSafePoorPeople.getAirdrop(address) (#144-157) uses literals with too many digits:
- msg.sender != _refer && balanceOf(_refer) != 0 && _refer != 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (#148)
WolfSafePoorPeople.tokenSale(address) (#159-181) uses literals with too many digits:
- msg.sender != _refer && balanceOf(_refer) != 0 && _refer != 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (#172)
Use: Ether suffix, Time suffix, or The scientific notation

Additional information: link

WolfSafePoorPeople.startAirdrop(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) (#190-196) should emit an event for:
- aSBlock = _aSBlock (#191)
- aEBlock = _aEBlock (#192)
- aAmt = _aAmt (#193)
- aCap = _aCap (#194)
WolfSafePoorPeople.startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) (#197-204) should emit an event for:
- sSBlock = _sSBlock (#198)
- sEBlock = _sEBlock (#199)
- sChunk = _sChunk (#200)
- sPrice = _sPrice (#201)
- sCap = _sCap (#202)
Emit an event for critical parameter changes.

Additional information: link

Owned.transferOwnership(address)._newOwner (#58) lacks a zero-check on :
- newOwner = _newOwner (#59)
WolfSafePoorPeople.clearETH()._owner (#206) lacks a zero-check on :
- _owner.transfer(address(this).balance) (#207)
Check that the address is not zero.

Additional information: link

WolfSafePoorPeople.tokenSale(address) (#159-181) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
-_price = _eth / sPrice (#165)
-_tkns = sChunk * _price (#166)
Consider ordering multiplication before division.

Additional information: link

SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256) (#21-24) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mul(uint256,uint256) (#17-20) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Pragma version>=0.5.10 (#6) allows old versions
solc-0.5.10 is not recommended for deployment
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Additional information: link

Parameter Owned.transferOwnership(address)._newOwner (#58) is not in mixedCase
Variable TokenBEP20._totalSupply (#75) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.getAirdrop(address)._refer (#144) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.tokenSale(address)._refer (#159) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startAirdrop(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._aSBlock (#190) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startAirdrop(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._aEBlock (#190) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startAirdrop(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._aAmt (#190) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startAirdrop(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._aCap (#190) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._sSBlock (#197) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._sEBlock (#197) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._sChunk (#197) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._sPrice (#197) is not in mixedCase
Parameter WolfSafePoorPeople.startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._sCap (#197) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Additional information: link

totalSupply() should be declared external:
- BEP20Interface.totalSupply() (#28)
- TokenBEP20.totalSupply() (#89-91)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- BEP20Interface.allowance(address,address) (#30)
- TokenBEP20.allowance(address,address) (#113-115)
transfer(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20Interface.transfer(address,uint256) (#31)
- TokenBEP20.transfer(address,uint256) (#95-100)
approve(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20Interface.approve(address,uint256) (#32)
- TokenBEP20.approve(address,uint256) (#101-105)
transferFrom(address,address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20Interface.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (#33)
- TokenBEP20.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (#106-112)
receiveApproval(address,uint256,address,bytes) should be declared external:
- ApproveAndCallFallBack.receiveApproval(address,uint256,address,bytes) (#40)
transferOwnership(address) should be declared external:
- Owned.transferOwnership(address) (#58-60)
acceptOwnership() should be declared external:
- Owned.acceptOwnership() (#61-66)
approveAndCall(address,uint256,bytes) should be declared external:
- TokenBEP20.approveAndCall(address,uint256,bytes) (#116-121)
getAirdrop(address) should be declared external:
- WolfSafePoorPeople.getAirdrop(address) (#144-157)
tokenSale(address) should be declared external:
- WolfSafePoorPeople.tokenSale(address) (#159-181)
viewAirdrop() should be declared external:
- WolfSafePoorPeople.viewAirdrop() (#183-185)
viewSale() should be declared external:
- WolfSafePoorPeople.viewSale() (#186-188)
startAirdrop(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) should be declared external:
- WolfSafePoorPeople.startAirdrop(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) (#190-196)
startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) should be declared external:
- WolfSafePoorPeople.startSale(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) (#197-204)
clearETH() should be declared external:
- WolfSafePoorPeople.clearETH() (#205-208)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link


Token is deployed only at one blockchain

Unable to find Discord account

Unable to find audit link on the website

Token is not listed at Mobula.Finance

Additional information: link

No disclosed threats

Price for WSPP

News for WSPP