HonorLand is a decentralized RPG NFT game integrating NFT and DeFi. Players can get an interesting experience in HonorLand and have the opportunity to earn. We aim to bring encrypted games to life through fun games and social network interaction.
HonorLand.withdrawExternalToken(address) (#572-577) ignores return value by IERC20(_tokenAddress).transfer(withdrawAddress,amount) (#575)
Use SafeERC20, or ensure that the transfer/transferFrom return value is checked.
Additional information: link
Contract ownership is not renounced (belongs to a wallet)
Unable to verify that contract auditor is trusted: Certik, Quantstamp, Hacken, Solidity, Paladinsec, Openzeppelin, Verichains
HonorLand._initSupply (#456) should be constant
Add the constant attributes to state variables that never change.
Additional information: link
renounceOwnership() should be declared external:
- Ownable.renounceOwnership() (#398-400)
transferOwnership(address) should be declared external:
- Ownable.transferOwnership(address) (#406-409)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.
Additional information: link
Reentrancy in HonorLand._setSupportedDex(address) (#519-534):
External calls:
- tokenPairs[index] = IDexFactory(dexRouter.factory()).createPair(tokenA,tokenB) (#527)
State variables written after the call(s):
- supportedDex ++ (#532)
- swapRouters[index] = router (#531)
Reentrancy in HonorLand._transfer(address,address,uint256) (#768-810):
External calls:
- TokenGuard(tgAddress).protect(sender,recipient,amount) (#777)
- swapTokensForEth(_balances[address(this)],defaultSwapRouter) (#805)
- _router.swapExactTokensForETH(tokenAmount,0,path,taxAddress,block.timestamp) (#743-749)
State variables written after the call(s):
- _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount) (#808)
Reentrancy in HonorLand.constructor() (#485-505):
External calls:
- _setSupportedDex(0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E) (#499)
- tokenPairs[index] = IDexFactory(dexRouter.factory()).createPair(tokenA,tokenB) (#527)
- _setSupportedDex(0x7DAe51BD3E3376B8c7c4900E9107f12Be3AF1bA8) (#500)
- tokenPairs[index] = IDexFactory(dexRouter.factory()).createPair(tokenA,tokenB) (#527)
State variables written after the call(s):
- _setSupportedDex(0x7DAe51BD3E3376B8c7c4900E9107f12Be3AF1bA8) (#500)
- supportedDex ++ (#532)
- _setSupportedDex(0x7DAe51BD3E3376B8c7c4900E9107f12Be3AF1bA8) (#500)
- swapRouters[index] = router (#531)
- _setSupportedDex(0x7DAe51BD3E3376B8c7c4900E9107f12Be3AF1bA8) (#500)
- tokenPairs[index] = IDexFactory(dexRouter.factory()).createPair(tokenA,tokenB) (#527)
- tokenPairs[index] = IDexFactory(dexRouter.factory()).getPair(token0,token1) (#529)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.
Additional information: link
HonorLand.swapTokensForEth(uint256,address) (#732-752) ignores return value by _router.swapExactTokensForETH(tokenAmount,0,path,taxAddress,block.timestamp) (#743-749)
Ensure that all the return values of the function calls are used.
Additional information: link
HonorLand.allowance(address,address).owner (#645) shadows:
- Ownable.owner() (#379-381) (function)
HonorLand._approve(address,address,uint256).owner (#828) shadows:
- Ownable.owner() (#379-381) (function)
Rename the local variables that shadow another component.
Additional information: link
HonorLand.setTax(uint256) (#563-566) should emit an event for:
- sellTaxFee = _sellFee (#565)
Emit an event for critical parameter changes.
Additional information: link
HonorLand.changeWithdrawAddress(address)._withdrawAddress (#507) lacks a zero-check on :
- withdrawAddress = _withdrawAddress (#508)
HonorLand.setDefaultSwapRouter(address).router (#515) lacks a zero-check on :
- defaultSwapRouter = router (#516)
HonorLand.setTGAddress(address)._address (#547) lacks a zero-check on :
- tgAddress = _address (#548)
HonorLand.setTaxAddress(address)._taxAddress (#559) lacks a zero-check on :
- taxAddress = _taxAddress (#560)
Check that the address is not zero.
Additional information: link
Reentrancy in HonorLand._transfer(address,address,uint256) (#768-810):
External calls:
- TokenGuard(tgAddress).protect(sender,recipient,amount) (#777)
State variables written after the call(s):
- _balances[sender] = senderBalance.sub(amount) (#797)
- _balances[address(this)] = _balances[address(this)].add(_sellTaxFee) (#802)
Reentrancy in HonorLand._transfer(address,address,uint256) (#768-810):
External calls:
- TokenGuard(tgAddress).protect(sender,recipient,amount) (#777)
- swapTokensForEth(_balances[address(this)],defaultSwapRouter) (#805)
- _router.swapExactTokensForETH(tokenAmount,0,path,taxAddress,block.timestamp) (#743-749)
State variables written after the call(s):
- swapTokensForEth(_balances[address(this)],defaultSwapRouter) (#805)
- _allowances[owner][spender] = amount (#835)
Reentrancy in HonorLand.constructor() (#485-505):
External calls:
- _setSupportedDex(0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E) (#499)
- tokenPairs[index] = IDexFactory(dexRouter.factory()).createPair(tokenA,tokenB) (#527)
- _setSupportedDex(0x7DAe51BD3E3376B8c7c4900E9107f12Be3AF1bA8) (#500)
- tokenPairs[index] = IDexFactory(dexRouter.factory()).createPair(tokenA,tokenB) (#527)
State variables written after the call(s):
- defaultSwapRouter = 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E (#501)
- taxAddress = _msgSender() (#504)
- withdrawAddress = _msgSender() (#503)
Reentrancy in HonorLand.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (#674-688):
External calls:
- _transfer(sender,recipient,amount) (#679)
- TokenGuard(tgAddress).protect(sender,recipient,amount) (#777)
- _router.swapExactTokensForETH(tokenAmount,0,path,taxAddress,block.timestamp) (#743-749)
State variables written after the call(s):
- _approve(sender,_msgSender(),currentAllowance - amount) (#684)
- _allowances[owner][spender] = amount (#835)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.
Additional information: link
Reentrancy in HonorLand._transfer(address,address,uint256) (#768-810):
External calls:
- TokenGuard(tgAddress).protect(sender,recipient,amount) (#777)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- Transfer(sender,address(this),_sellTaxFee) (#803)
Reentrancy in HonorLand._transfer(address,address,uint256) (#768-810):
External calls:
- TokenGuard(tgAddress).protect(sender,recipient,amount) (#777)
- swapTokensForEth(_balances[address(this)],defaultSwapRouter) (#805)
- _router.swapExactTokensForETH(tokenAmount,0,path,taxAddress,block.timestamp) (#743-749)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- Approval(owner,spender,amount) (#836)
- swapTokensForEth(_balances[address(this)],defaultSwapRouter) (#805)
- SwapTokensForETH(tokenAmount,path) (#751)
- swapTokensForEth(_balances[address(this)],defaultSwapRouter) (#805)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,amount) (#809)
Reentrancy in HonorLand.swapTokensForEth(uint256,address) (#732-752):
External calls:
- _router.swapExactTokensForETH(tokenAmount,0,path,taxAddress,block.timestamp) (#743-749)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- SwapTokensForETH(tokenAmount,path) (#751)
Reentrancy in HonorLand.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (#674-688):
External calls:
- _transfer(sender,recipient,amount) (#679)
- TokenGuard(tgAddress).protect(sender,recipient,amount) (#777)
- _router.swapExactTokensForETH(tokenAmount,0,path,taxAddress,block.timestamp) (#743-749)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- Approval(owner,spender,amount) (#836)
- _approve(sender,_msgSender(),currentAllowance - amount) (#684)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.
Additional information: link
Context._msgData() (#347-349) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256,string) (#294-303) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256) (#254-256) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256,string) (#320-329) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.sub(uint256,uint256,string) (#271-280) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.tryAdd(uint256,uint256) (#125-131) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.tryDiv(uint256,uint256) (#167-172) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.tryMod(uint256,uint256) (#179-184) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.tryMul(uint256,uint256) (#150-160) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.trySub(uint256,uint256) (#138-143) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.
Additional information: link
Parameter HonorLand.changeWithdrawAddress(address)._withdrawAddress (#507) is not in mixedCase
Parameter HonorLand.setTGAddress(address)._address (#547) is not in mixedCase
Parameter HonorLand.setTaxAddress(address)._taxAddress (#559) is not in mixedCase
Parameter HonorLand.setTax(uint256)._sellFee (#563) is not in mixedCase
Parameter HonorLand.withdrawExternalToken(address)._tokenAddress (#572) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.
Additional information: link
HonorLand.constructor() (#485-505) uses literals with too many digits:
- _totalSupply = 200000000 * 10 ** 18 (#491)
Use: Ether suffix, Time suffix, or The scientific notation
Additional information: link
HonorLand._initSupply (#456) is never used in HonorLand (#447-839)
Remove unused state variables.
Additional information: link
Contract has 0% buy tax and 10% sell tax.
Taxes are low but contract ownership is not renounced. Token has a high risk of becoming a honeypot.
Average 30d PancakeSwap liquidity is low.
Number of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token holders is low.
Token is deployed only at one blockchain
Token has only one trading pair
Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death
Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death
Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death
Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death
Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death
Token has relatively low CoinMarketCap rank
Token has relatively low CoinGecko rank