About CORK


Token 2 years
CoinGecko 2 years
[CoinGecko] alert: The smart-contract owner can mint new tokens, please proceed with caution.
white paper

Winery Swap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based on Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) that operates by connecting cryptocurrency traders in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner using the Automated Market Maker Model (AMM).

The main functions of Winery DEX are token trading, liquidity supply, and other liquidity provided functions, farming and staking pool, lotto functions, and diverse ways to earn such as referral, NFT, IDO, and more. The rewards traders get from the main functions of Winery DEX will be paid with CORK, the governance token.

Winery Swap is a DEX with multi-functions that help users trade, earn, win, and more in an easy and convenient way. Winery Swap tends to create a place where everyone, seasoned or inexperienced alike, can trade and earn in the crypto market. By creating a fair, safe, and transparent platform for new and well-known projects alike, we encourage everyone to participate and together create a sustainable community.

Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 5 July 2022

Token is either risky or in presale. For presale 30+ is a fine score.



Unable to find manual contract audit (e.g. Certik, PeckShield, Solidity...)

Contract ownership is not renounced (belongs to a wallet)

CorkToken._writeCheckpoint(address,uint32,uint256,uint256) (#1108-1133) uses a dangerous strict equality:
- nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber (#1120-1121)
Don't use strict equality to determine if an account has enough Ether or tokens.

Additional information: link

Address.isContract(address) (#28-39) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#35-37)
Address._functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#136-162) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#154-157)
CorkToken.getChainId() (#1144-1150) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#1146-1148)
Do not use evm assembly.

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Pragma version^0.6.2 (#5) allows old versions
Pragma version>=0.4.0 (#169) allows old versions
Pragma version>=0.4.0 (#361) allows old versions
Pragma version>=0.4.0 (#462) allows old versions
Pragma version>=0.4.0 (#493) allows old versions
Pragma version>=0.4.0 (#571) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.6.0 (#890) allows old versions
solc-0.6.2 is not recommended for deployment
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Additional information: link

Redundant expression "this (#484)" inContext (#474-487)
Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

Additional information: link

BEP20.constructor(string,string).name (#625) shadows:
- (#641-643) (function)
- (#382) (function)
BEP20.constructor(string,string).symbol (#625) shadows:
- BEP20.symbol() (#655-657) (function)
- IBEP20.symbol() (#377) (function)
BEP20.allowance(address,address).owner (#689) shadows:
- Ownable.owner() (#525-527) (function)
BEP20._approve(address,address,uint256).owner (#861) shadows:
- Ownable.owner() (#525-527) (function)
Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

Additional information: link

CorkToken.delegateBySig(address,uint256,uint256,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) (#973-1009) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(now <= expiry,CORK::delegateBySig: signature expired) (#1007)
Avoid relying on block.timestamp.

Additional information: link

Different versions of Solidity is used:
- Version used: ['>=0.4.0', '^0.6.0', '^0.6.2']
- ^0.6.2 (#5)
- >=0.4.0 (#169)
- >=0.4.0 (#361)
- >=0.4.0 (#462)
- >=0.4.0 (#493)
- >=0.4.0 (#571)
- ^0.6.0 (#890)
Use one Solidity version.

Additional information: link

Address._functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#136-162) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes) (#83-85) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes,string) (#93-99) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256) (#112-118) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#126-134) is never used and should be removed
Address.isContract(address) (#28-39) is never used and should be removed
Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#57-63) is never used and should be removed
BEP20._burn(address,uint256) (#839-845) is never used and should be removed
BEP20._burnFrom(address,uint256) (#878-885) is never used and should be removed
Context._msgData() (#483-486) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256) (#273-275) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256,string) (#289-299) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.min(uint256,uint256) (#338-340) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256) (#313-315) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256,string) (#329-336) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mul(uint256,uint256) (#247-259) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.sqrt(uint256) (#343-354) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Low level call in Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#57-63):
- (success) ={value: amount}() (#61)
Low level call in Address._functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#136-162):
- (success,returndata) ={value: weiValue}(data) (#145)
Avoid low-level calls. Check the call success. If the call is meant for a contract, check for code existence

Additional information: link

Parameter,uint256)._to (#895) is not in mixedCase
Parameter,uint256)._amount (#895) is not in mixedCase
Variable CorkToken._delegates (#907) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Additional information: link

renounceOwnership() should be declared external:
- Ownable.renounceOwnership() (#544-547)
transferOwnership(address) should be declared external:
- Ownable.transferOwnership(address) (#553-555)
decimals() should be declared external:
- BEP20.decimals() (#648-650)
symbol() should be declared external:
- BEP20.symbol() (#655-657)
totalSupply() should be declared external:
- BEP20.totalSupply() (#662-664)
transfer(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20.transfer(address,uint256) (#681-684)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- BEP20.allowance(address,address) (#689-691)
approve(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20.approve(address,uint256) (#700-703)
transferFrom(address,address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (#717-729)
increaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20.increaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#743-746)
decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BEP20.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#762-769)
mint(uint256) should be declared external:
- (#779-782)
mint(address,uint256) should be declared external:
-,uint256) (#895-898)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link


Token seems to be untradeable: there is no PancakeSwap trading pair and no trading volumes. Ignore for presale.

Number of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token holders is low.

No disclosed threats

Unable to find KYC or doxxing proof

Unable to find token contract audit

Unable to find audit link on the website

Unable to find token on CoinMarketCap

Additional information: link

Token is not listed at Mobula.Finance

Additional information: link

Unable to find token on CoinHunt

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Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Token has no active CoinMarketCap listing / rank

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Token has relatively low CoinGecko rank

Price for CORK

News for CORK