Kampay Token Logo




Token 2 years
CoinGecko 4 years
CoinMarketCap 2 years


[CoinGecko] alert: Kindly note that the old KAMPAY V1 (ERC-20) has migrated to a new contract - KAMPAY (BSC). For more information, visit their official Medium post
white paper

Kamari was created with the vision of a world of lotteries and payments united without borders. By integrating existing infrastructure and licensing with one standardized currency, Kamari will instantly offer a better experience to hundreds of millions of people across Africa.

Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 8 November 2023

Token seems to be (relatively) fine. It still become a scam, but probability is moderate.

Unable to verify that contract auditor is trusted: Certik, Quantstamp, Hacken, Solidity, Paladinsec, Openzeppelin, Verichains

Kampay.constructor() (#454-456) uses literals with too many digits:
- _mint(msg.sender,1000000000 * 10 ** 18) (#455)
Use: Ether suffix, Time suffix, or The scientific notation

Additional information: link

Pragma version^0.8.0 (#1) allows old versions
solc-0.8.1 is not recommended for deployment
Pragma version^0.8.0 (#109) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.8.0 (#441) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.8.0 (#137) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.8.0 (#81) allows old versions
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Additional information: link

transferFrom(address,address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (#280-288)
decimals() should be declared external:
- ERC20.decimals() (#217-219)
decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#321-327)
symbol() should be declared external:
- ERC20.symbol() (#200-202)
balanceOf(address) should be declared external:
- ERC20.balanceOf(address) (#231-233)
transfer(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.transfer(address,uint256) (#243-246)
increaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.increaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#302-305)
name() should be declared external:
- ERC20.name() (#192-194)
totalSupply() should be declared external:
- ERC20.totalSupply() (#224-226)
approve(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.approve(address,uint256) (#262-265)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- ERC20.allowance(address,address) (#251-253)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link

ERC20._burn(address,uint256) (#387-398) is never used and should be removed
Context._msgData() (#126-129) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Redundant expression "this (#127)" inContext (#121-130)
Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

Additional information: link


Average 30d PancakeSwap liquidity is less than $100. Token is either dead or inactive.

Average 30d number of PancakeSwap swaps is less than 1. Token is either dead or inactive.

Average 30d PancakeSwap volume is low.

Average PancakeSwap trading volume, liqudity, number of swaps are low. Token seems to be inactive.

Twitter account link seems to be invalid

Unable to find Discord account

Unable to crawl data from the website

Token is not listed at Mobula.Finance

Additional information: link

Token has a considerable age, but we're still unable to find its website

Price for KAMPAY