BRICK Token Logo




Token 3 years
white paper

BRICK is the native token of Bricksestate built on the BSC BEP-20 network. BRICK is designed to empower the connection of real estates and properties through a fully transparent, community-owned platform on Binance Smart Chain.

BricksEstate is a community blockchain project that will allow investors access to a variety of real estates and properties owning full or parts of these assets through fractional ownership and be part of the ever-growing real estate industry.

BricksEstate aims to offer clients a verifiable record of property data that would allow the parties to complete a deal who generally don't know each other and to trust that the seller actually has true ownership of that property through both the blockchain immutable ledger and utilisation of NFT ownership certificates.


Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 30 November 2021

Token is either risky or in presale. For presale 30+ is a fine score.

Unable to verify that contract auditor is trusted: Certik, Quantstamp, Hacken, Solidity, Paladinsec, Openzeppelin, Verichains

BRICKToken._approve(address,address,uint256).owner (#540) shadows:
- Ownable.owner() (#318-320) (function)
Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

Additional information: link

SafeMath.sub(uint256,uint256) (#179-181) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Variable BRICKToken._name (#370) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Additional information: link

Redundant expression "this (#135)" inContext (#125-138)
Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

Additional information: link

BRICKToken.constructor() (#372-380) uses literals with too many digits:
- _totalSupply = 1000000000000000000000000 (#376)
Use: Ether suffix, Time suffix, or The scientific notation

Additional information: link

decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BRICKToken.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#505-508)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link


Average PancakeSwap trading volume, liqudity, number of swaps are extremely low. Token seems to be dead.

Number of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token holders is low.

Token is deployed only at one blockchain

Token has only one trading pair

Unable to find PancakeSwap trading pair to compute liquidity.

Unable to find PancakeSwap trading pair to compute volume.

Unable to find PancakeSwap trading pair to compute number of swaps.

Twitter account link seems to be invalid

Unable to find Youtube account

Unable to find Discord account

BscScan page for the token does not contain additional info: website, socials, description, etc.

Additional information: link

Token was delisted (assigned to inactive / untracked listing) from CoinMarketCap

Additional information: link

Unable to find whitepaper link on the website

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Token has no active CoinMarketCap listing / rank

Token has a considerable age, but social accounts / website are missing or have few users

Token has a considerable age, but average PancakeSwap 30d trading volume is low

Price for BRICK