ps TLOS Token Logo

TLOS [ps TLOS] Token

About TLOS


Token 3 years
CoinMarketCap 4 years


white paper

Telos is a networked ecosystem powering the future economy having established itself as the second most used network by transaction volume for over 2 years according to Blocktivity, an independent blockchain analyst.

Telos has been driving innovation since 2018 and is home to over 100 distinct applications (dApps) attracting well-known companies including Taikai, Qudo, Qubicles, Appics, Wordproof, Seeds, Zeptagram, and NewLife. These applications enjoy the robust on-chain services that Telos provides for voting, sentiment, decentralized file storage, location and much more.

TLOS is the name of the token that reflects ownership in the Telos network. A TLOS token is used on-chain for staking CPU, RAM, and REX lending resources that power the utility of this powerful network. Visit us at

Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 26 February 2022

Token seems to be legit.



AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.constructor(address,address,bytes)._admin (#348) shadows:
- AdminUpgradeabilityProxy._admin() (#433-438) (function)
Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

Additional information: link

Address._verifyCallResult(bool,bytes,string) (#227-244) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes) (#159-161) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes,string) (#169-171) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256) (#184-186) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#194-201) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes) (#209-211) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes,string) (#219-225) is never used and should be removed
Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#133-139) is never used and should be removed
Proxy._implementation() (#34) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Pragma version^0.6.0 (#5) allows old versions
Pragma version>=0.6.2<0.8.0 (#83) is too complex
Pragma version^0.6.0 (#249) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.6.0 (#327) allows old versions
solc-0.6.8 is not recommended for deployment
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Additional information: link

UpgradeabilityProxy.constructor(address,bytes)._logic (#268) lacks a zero-check on :
- (success) = _logic.delegatecall(_data) (#272)
AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.upgradeToAndCall(address,bytes).newImplementation (#424) lacks a zero-check on :
- (success) = newImplementation.delegatecall(data) (#426)
Check that the address is not zero.

Additional information: link

Modifier AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.ifAdmin() (#373-379) does not always execute _; or revert
All the paths in a modifier must execute _ or revert.

Additional information: link

Proxy._delegate(address) (#42-61) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#43-60)
Address.isContract(address) (#106-115) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#113)
Address._verifyCallResult(bool,bytes,string) (#227-244) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#236-239)
UpgradeabilityProxy._implementation() (#294-299) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#296-298)
UpgradeabilityProxy._setImplementation(address) (#314-322) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#319-321)
AdminUpgradeabilityProxy._admin() (#433-438) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#435-437)
AdminUpgradeabilityProxy._setAdmin(address) (#444-450) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#447-449)
Do not use evm assembly.

Additional information: link

Different versions of Solidity is used:
- Version used: ['>=0.6.2<0.8.0', '^0.6.0']
- ^0.6.0 (#5)
- >=0.6.2<0.8.0 (#83)
- ^0.6.0 (#249)
- ^0.6.0 (#327)
Use one Solidity version.

Additional information: link

Low level call in Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#133-139):
- (success) ={value: amount}() (#137)
Low level call in Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#194-201):
- (success,returndata) ={value: value}(data) (#199)
Low level call in Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes,string) (#219-225):
- (success,returndata) = target.staticcall(data) (#223)
Low level call in UpgradeabilityProxy.constructor(address,bytes) (#268-275):
- (success) = _logic.delegatecall(_data) (#272)
Low level call in AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.upgradeToAndCall(address,bytes) (#424-428):
- (success) = newImplementation.delegatecall(data) (#426)
Avoid low-level calls. Check the call success. If the call is meant for a contract, check for code existence

Additional information: link

No disclosed threats

Last post in Twitter was more than 30 days ago

Unable to find audit link on the website

Unable to find whitepaper link on the website

No disclosed threats

Price for TLOS

News for TLOS