TFT on BSC Token Logo

TFT [TFT on BSC] Token

About TFT


Token 2 years
CoinGecko 5 years
CoinMarketCap 3 years
white paper

What is ThreeFold (TFT)?

Founded in 2016, ThreeFold is a fully comprehensive peer-to-peer Internet and Cloud stack that enables universal access to a smart contract-based infrastructure. According to its documentation, ThreeFold allows any current or future digital workload including blockchains, IoT networks, oracles, decentralized organizations and applications, to be hosted natively on their tamper-proof and ultra-efficient decentralised infrastructure.

ThreeFold is driven by an open-source community of projects, stack developers, node operators, infrastructure experts and more. They focus on protecting the vision of a truly decentralized Internet infrastructure that is available, accessible and affordable to everyone, everywhere.

The ThreeFold Token (TFT) is a utility token that was designed to ensure anyone can participate in exchanging Internet and Cloud resources in the network without intermediaries. It incentivises node operators with monthly income and is used by developers to build and run workloads.

Learn more about ThreeFold on their [website](

Who are the founders of ThreeFold?

Kristof de Spiegeleer is a co-founder and CEO at ThreeFold. After completing his masters degree in computer engineering at the university of Gent, de Spiegeleer started building the first data center in Europe with PSI Net in the mid 90s. Followingly, he founded many ventures that brought significant improvements to cloud automation and Internet storage. These were then acquired by Symantec, Verizon, Oracle, TeleNet and more.

In 2014, he started meeting other industry experts and co-founders of ThreeFold such as Adnan Fatayerji, Weynand Kuijpers, Owen Kemp and many more. Together, they decided to start from scratch and build the most decentralized Internet and Cloud infrastructure to power the web3 and web4 era.

What makes ThreeFold Unique?

ThreeFold is the first blockchain-enabled infrastructure to start from scratch on the Linux Kernel. Only by doing so could they eliminate unnecessary code and backdoors that impacted efficiency and security in the current Internet and Cloud models. ThreeFold’s state-of-the-art technology enables quantum security and up to 10x energy savings for storage workloads.

With solutions highlighted by a game-changing quantum-safe storage system, a next-generation docker container environment and a secure peer-to-peer network, what they created is the most comprehensive, secure and decentralized Internet and cloud infrastructure in the world. They integrated with industry-leading tools and frameworks, and anything that runs on Linux can run on ThreeFold’s operating system.

More than just an Internet or Cloud project, ThreeFold represents the substrate for the decentralized Internet and cloud.

How many ThreeFold Tokens are in circulation?

TFT listed on Liquid exchange in June 2020 and announced a total and maximum supply of 4,000,000,000 TFT tokens. The current supply and token distribution can be tracked in [ThreeFold Library](

According to the documentation, 75% of the total token supply will go towards node operators and the incentivization of the ecosystem. Another 19% of TFT tokens support the continued development of the ThreeFold ecosystem and technology. Lastly, the remaining 6% of the total token supply is allocated to incentivise contributors, founders and team.

Where can you buy ThreeFold Tokens?

TFT is available on several exchanges and Defi platforms today. ThreeFold aims to incentivise its TFT ecosystem growth towards Defi to remain in alignment with the ecosystem’s values and beliefs. The main platform to buy TFT is PancakeSwap.

Other platforms:

It is important to consider the fact that investing in cryptocurrency carries risk, just like any other investment.


Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 8 July 2022

Token seems to be (relatively) fine. It still become a scam, but probability is moderate.



Unable to find manual contract audit (e.g. Certik, PeckShield, Solidity...)

Contract locking ether found:
Contract Proxy (proxy.sol#8-39) has payable functions:
- Proxy.fallback() (proxy.sol#9-25)
But does not have a function to withdraw the ether
Contract locking ether found:
Contract TFT (tokenV0.sol#30-166) has payable functions:
- TFT.receive() (tokenV0.sol#138)
But does not have a function to withdraw the ether
Remove the payable attribute or add a withdraw function.

Additional information: link

Pragma version>=0.7.0<0.9.0 (owned.sol#1) is too complex
Pragma version>=0.7.0<0.9.0 (owned_upgradeable_token_storage.sol#1) is too complex
Pragma version>=0.7.0<0.9.0 (proxy.sol#1) is too complex
Pragma version>=0.7.0<0.9.0 (storage.sol#1) is too complex
Pragma version>=0.7.0<0.9.0 (tokenV0.sol#1) is too complex
Pragma version>=0.7.0<0.9.0 (token_storage.sol#1) is too complex
Pragma version>=0.7.0<0.9.0 (upgradeable.sol#1) is too complex
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Additional information: link

addOwner(address) should be declared external:
- Owned.addOwner(address) (owned.sol#74-79)
removeOwner(address) should be declared external:
- Owned.removeOwner(address) (owned.sol#81-87)
owners_list() should be declared external:
- Owned.owners_list() (owned.sol#89-91)
is_owner(address) should be declared external:
- Owned.is_owner(address) (owned.sol#93-95)
name() should be declared external:
- (tokenV0.sol#44-46)
symbol() should be declared external:
- TFT.symbol() (tokenV0.sol#48-50)
decimals() should be declared external:
- TFT.decimals() (tokenV0.sol#52-54)
totalSupply() should be declared external:
- TFT.totalSupply() (tokenV0.sol#59-61)
balanceOf(address) should be declared external:
- TFT.balanceOf(address) (tokenV0.sol#67-69)
transfer(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- TFT.transfer(address,uint256) (tokenV0.sol#76-81)
approve(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- TFT.approve(address,uint256) (tokenV0.sol#92-96)
transferFrom(address,address,uint256) should be declared external:
- TFT.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (tokenV0.sol#108-114)
withdraw(uint256,string,string) should be declared external:
- TFT.withdraw(uint256,string,string) (tokenV0.sol#119-124)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- TFT.allowance(address,address) (tokenV0.sol#131-133)
mintTokens(address,uint256,string) should be declared external:
- TFT.mintTokens(address,uint256,string) (tokenV0.sol#145-152)
isMintID(string) should be declared external:
- TFT.isMintID(string) (tokenV0.sol#154-156)
version() should be declared external:
- Upgradeable.version() (upgradeable.sol#43-45)
implementation() should be declared external:
- Upgradeable.implementation() (upgradeable.sol#47-49)
upgradeTo(string,address) should be declared external:
- Upgradeable.upgradeTo(string,address) (upgradeable.sol#52-57)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link

Proxy.fallback() (proxy.sol#9-25) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (proxy.sol#16-24)
Do not use evm assembly.

Additional information: link

SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256) (tokenV0.sol#21-24) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mul(uint256,uint256) (tokenV0.sol#17-20) is never used and should be removed
Storage.deleteAddress(bytes32) (storage.sol#96-98) is never used and should be removed
Storage.deleteBytes(bytes32) (storage.sol#111-113) is never used and should be removed
Storage.deleteInt(bytes32) (storage.sol#121-123) is never used and should be removed
Storage.deleteString(bytes32) (storage.sol#106-108) is never used and should be removed
Storage.deleteUint(bytes32) (storage.sol#101-103) is never used and should be removed
Storage.getBytes(bytes32) (storage.sol#39-41) is never used and should be removed
Storage.getInt(bytes32) (storage.sol#49-51) is never used and should be removed
Storage.setBytes(bytes32,bytes) (storage.sol#78-80) is never used and should be removed
Storage.setInt(bytes32,int256) (storage.sol#88-90) is never used and should be removed
TokenStorage.setDecimals(uint8) (token_storage.sol#57-59) is never used and should be removed
TokenStorage.setName(string) (token_storage.sol#53-55) is never used and should be removed
TokenStorage.setSymbol(string) (token_storage.sol#49-51) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Parameter Owned.setOwners(address[])._addresses (owned.sol#53) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Owned.addOwner(address)._newOwner (owned.sol#74) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Owned.removeOwner(address)._toRemove (owned.sol#81) is not in mixedCase
Function Owned.owners_list() (owned.sol#89-91) is not in mixedCase
Function Owned.is_owner(address) (owned.sol#93-95) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.getAddress(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#19) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.getAddresses(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#24) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.getUint(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#29) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.getString(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#34) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.getBytes(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#39) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.getBool(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#44) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.getInt(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#49) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setAddress(bytes32,address)._key (storage.sol#58) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setAddress(bytes32,address)._value (storage.sol#58) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setAddresses(bytes32,address[])._key (storage.sol#63) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setAddresses(bytes32,address[])._value (storage.sol#63) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setUint(bytes32,uint256)._key (storage.sol#68) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setUint(bytes32,uint256)._value (storage.sol#68) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setString(bytes32,string)._key (storage.sol#73) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setString(bytes32,string)._value (storage.sol#73) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setBytes(bytes32,bytes)._key (storage.sol#78) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setBytes(bytes32,bytes)._value (storage.sol#78) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setBool(bytes32,bool)._key (storage.sol#83) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setBool(bytes32,bool)._value (storage.sol#83) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setInt(bytes32,int256)._key (storage.sol#88) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.setInt(bytes32,int256)._value (storage.sol#88) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.deleteAddress(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#96) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.deleteUint(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#101) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.deleteString(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#106) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.deleteBytes(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#111) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.deleteBool(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#116) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Storage.deleteInt(bytes32)._key (storage.sol#121) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TFT.withdraw(uint256,string,string).blockchain_address (tokenV0.sol#119) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TFT.isMintID(string)._txid (tokenV0.sol#154) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.getBalance(address)._account (token_storage.sol#38) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.getAllowed(address,address)._account (token_storage.sol#42) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.getAllowed(address,address)._spender (token_storage.sol#42) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setSymbol(string)._symbol (token_storage.sol#49) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setName(string)._name (token_storage.sol#53) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setDecimals(uint8)._decimals (token_storage.sol#57) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setTotalSupply(uint256)._totalSupply (token_storage.sol#61) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setBalance(address,uint256)._account (token_storage.sol#65) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setBalance(address,uint256)._balance (token_storage.sol#65) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setAllowed(address,address,uint256)._account (token_storage.sol#69) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setAllowed(address,address,uint256)._spender (token_storage.sol#69) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenStorage.setAllowed(address,address,uint256)._allowance (token_storage.sol#69) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Upgradeable.upgradeTo(string,address)._version (upgradeable.sol#52) is not in mixedCase
Parameter Upgradeable.upgradeTo(string,address)._implementation (upgradeable.sol#52) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Additional information: link


Number of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token holders is low.

Average 30d number of PancakeSwap swaps is low.

Unable to find Youtube account

Unable to find Discord account

Unable to find token contract audit

Unable to find audit link on the website

Token is not listed at Mobula.Finance

Additional information: link

Unable to find whitepaper link on the website

Unable to find token on CoinHunt

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No disclosed threats

Price for TFT

News for TFT