Radio Caca V2 Token Logo

RACA [Radio Caca V2] Token

About RACA


Token 3 years
CoinGecko 2 years
CoinMarketCap 2 years


white paper

Radio Caca is the exclusive manager of Maye Musk Mystery Box (MPB) NFT and DeFi+GameFi vehicle for The USM Metaverse.

Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 13 December 2022

Token seems to be legit.



RACAV2Token.transferRACAByOwner(address,uint256) (#1007-1010) ignores return value by this.transfer(_to,_amount) (#1009)
Use SafeERC20, or ensure that the transfer/transferFrom return value is checked.

Additional information: link

RACAV2Token._writeCheckpoint(address,uint32,uint256,uint256) (#1044-1062) uses a dangerous strict equality:
- nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber (#1054)
Don't use strict equality to determine if an account has enough Ether or tokens.

Additional information: link

Ownable.nominatePotentialOwner(address).newOwner (#253) lacks a zero-check on :
- _potentialOwner = newOwner (#254)
Check that the address is not zero.

Additional information: link

RACAV2Token.delegateBySig(address,uint256,uint256,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) (#905-946) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(block.timestamp <= expiry,delegateBySig: signature expired) (#944)
Avoid relying on block.timestamp.

Additional information: link

Redundant expression "this (#176)" inContext (#170-179)
Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

Additional information: link

Address.isContract(address) (#287-296) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#294)
RACAV2Token.getChainId() (#1069-1073) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#1071)
Address._verifyCallResult(bool,bytes,string) (#408-425) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#417-420)
Do not use evm assembly.

Additional information: link

RACAV2Token.constructor() (#843-848) uses literals with too many digits:
- racaInAdvance = 500000 * 10 ** 6 * 10 ** 18 (#845)
Use: Ether suffix, Time suffix, or The scientific notation

Additional information: link

Low level call in Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#314-320):
- (success) ={value: amount}() (#318)
Low level call in Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes,string) (#400-406):
- (success,returndata) = target.staticcall(data) (#404)
Low level call in Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#375-382):
- (success,returndata) ={value: value}(data) (#380)
Avoid low-level calls. Check the call success. If the call is meant for a contract, check for code existence

Additional information: link

Parameter,uint256)._amount (#851) is not in mixedCase
Parameter RACAV2Token.burn(address,uint256)._amount (#857) is not in mixedCase
Parameter,uint256)._to (#851) is not in mixedCase
Variable RACAV2Token._delegates (#825) is not in mixedCase
Parameter RACAV2Token.transferRACAByOwner(address,uint256)._amount (#1007) is not in mixedCase
Parameter RACAV2Token.transferRACAByOwner(address,uint256)._to (#1007) is not in mixedCase
Parameter RACAV2Token.burn(address,uint256)._from (#857) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Additional information: link

potentialOwner() should be declared external:
- Ownable.potentialOwner() (#219-221)
renounceOwnership() should be declared external:
- Ownable.renounceOwnership() (#238-241)
decimals() should be declared external:
- ERC20.decimals() (#582-584)
burn(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- RACAV2Token.burn(address,uint256) (#857-860)
decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#682-685)
symbol() should be declared external:
- ERC20.symbol() (#565-567)
owner() should be declared external:
- Ownable.owner() (#212-214)
increaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.increaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#663-666)
transferOwnership(address) should be declared external:
- Ownable.transferOwnership(address) (#247-251)
acceptOwnership() should be declared external:
- Ownable.acceptOwnership() (#258-263)
totalSupply() should be declared external:
- ERC20.totalSupply() (#589-591)
nominatePotentialOwner(address) should be declared external:
- Ownable.nominatePotentialOwner(address) (#253-256)
approve(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20.approve(address,uint256) (#627-630)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- ERC20.allowance(address,address) (#616-618)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link

SafeMath.mul(uint256,uint256) (#76-88) is never used and should be removed
Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#314-320) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256) (#365-367) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256,string) (#154-157) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#375-382) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256,string) (#118-124) is never used and should be removed
ERC20._setupDecimals(uint8) (#780-782) is never used and should be removed
Context._msgData() (#175-178) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes) (#390-392) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256) (#138-140) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256) (#102-104) is never used and should be removed
Address._verifyCallResult(bool,bytes,string) (#408-425) is never used and should be removed
Address.isContract(address) (#287-296) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes,string) (#350-352) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes,string) (#400-406) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes) (#340-342) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

No disclosed threats
No disclosed threats

Unable to find audit link on the website

Unable to find whitepaper link on the website

No disclosed threats

Price for RACA

News for RACA