CarboFoot Token Logo

CFOOT [CarboFoot] Token



Token 2 years
CoinGecko 2 years
CoinMarketCap 2 years
[CoinMarketCap] alert: Smart contract of the following asset can be modified by the contract creator (for example: disable selling, change fees, mint new tokens, or transfer tokens). Please exercise caution before taking any action and DYOR.
white paper

CarboFoot is a project that exists to reduce the carbon footprint.

CarboFoot is an social network app that allows you to earn money by lowering your carbon footprint. You may use the app to decrease and track your carbon impact while also being sociable.

Everything that is beneficial to nature and humanity, such as walking, cycling, recycling, solar energy systems, gives you a profit. A platform that will affect your daily life by following the directions of the project and the application.

Everything will be much better thanks to its incentives to analyze the carbon footprint harms and to reduce everything that is harmful to the Earth and humanity! CarboFoot is an excellent application that analyzes carbon footprint damage well. It offers incentives for you to eliminate from your life all unnecessary beings that are harmful to the Earth and humanity.


Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 2 September 2022

Token seems to be (relatively) fine. It still become a scam, but probability is moderate.

Unable to verify that contract auditor is trusted: Certik, Quantstamp, Hacken, Solidity, Paladinsec, Openzeppelin, Verichains

Contract ownership is not renounced (belongs to a wallet)

CarboFoot.constructor() (#156-164) uses literals with too many digits:
- _totalSupply = 500000000 * 1e18 (#160)
Use: Ether suffix, Time suffix, or The scientific notation

Additional information: link

renounceOwnership() should be declared external:
- Ownable.renounceOwnership() (#128-131)
transferOwnership(address) should be declared external:
- Ownable.transferOwnership(address) (#133-135)
increaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- CarboFoot.increaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#211-214)
decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- CarboFoot.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#216-219)
burn(uint256) should be declared external:
- CarboFoot.burn(uint256) (#230-233)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link

CarboFoot.allowance(address,address).owner (#196) shadows:
- Ownable.owner() (#119-121) (function)
CarboFoot._approve(address,address,uint256).owner (#243) shadows:
- Ownable.owner() (#119-121) (function)
Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

Additional information: link

CarboFoot._burnFrom(address,uint256) (#251-254) is never used and should be removed
Context._msgData() (#48-51) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256) (#86-88) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256,string) (#90-96) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256) (#98-100) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256,string) (#102-105) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mul(uint256,uint256) (#74-84) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Redundant expression "this (#49)" inContext (#40-52)
Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

Additional information: link


Token is deployed only at one blockchain

Token has only one trading pair

Unable to find Blog account (Reddit or Medium)

Unable to find Discord account

BscScan page for the token does not contain additional info: website, socials, description, etc.

Additional information: link

Unable to find audit link on the website

Unable to verify token contract address on the website

Token is not listed at Mobula.Finance

Additional information: link

Unable to find token on CoinHunt

Additional information: link

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Token has no active CoinGecko listing / rank

Price for CFOOT

News for CFOOT