BlockApeScissors Token Logo

BAS [BlockApeScissors] Token

About BAS


Token 3 years
CoinMarketCap 3 years
white paper

BAS aims to be the core utility provider for shitcoins and memecoins, building a Play to Earn 2.0 model around a Gaming, DeFi and NFT ecosystem. Our game is designed to appeal to a wide audience, as opposed to a niche market.

Apes will be able to grind out NFTs through tournaments, rankings and leaderboards that apply to ingame modes and to the farms for boosts, modifiers and special functions.

Revenue generated from our business models is directed mostly towards our holders in favour of a long-term decentralised company model. Leveraging the community for ideation of new ideas, projects and balance functions.

BAS will revolutionise the context of what it means to be an investor and the means by which you can be rewarded for input and interaction into a thriving ecosystem.


Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 7 January 2022

Token seems to be (relatively) fine. It still become a scam, but probability is moderate.

BAS.setTaxPercentage(uint256) (#1086-1089) contains a tautology or contradiction:
- require(bool,string)(_taxPercentage >= 0 && _taxPercentage <= 10,Value is outside of range 0-10) (#1087)
Fix the incorrect comparison by changing the value type or the comparison.

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Not a direct threat, but may indicate unreliable intentions of developer. Widespread names (e.g. Elon, King, Moon, Doge) are common among meme-tokens and scams. The allow to gain free hype and attract unexperienced investors.

BAS.includeInRewards(address) (#695-707) has costly operations inside a loop:
- rewardExcluded.pop() (#703)
Use a local variable to hold the loop computation result.

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BAS.allowance(address,address)._owner (#581) shadows:
- Ownable._owner (#438) (state variable)
BAS._approve(address,address,uint256)._owner (#710) shadows:
- Ownable._owner (#438) (state variable)
Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

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BAS.setTaxPercentage(uint256) (#1086-1089) should emit an event for:
- taxPercentage = _taxPercentage (#1088)
BAS.setTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256) (#1091-1107) should emit an event for:
- totalTaxAlloc = operationsTaxAlloc.add(buybackTaxAlloc).add(prizePoolTaxAlloc).add(bountiesTaxAlloc).add(daoTreasuryTaxAlloc).add(_holderTaxAlloc).add(_marketingTaxAlloc).add(_lpTaxAlloc) (#1098)
- holderTaxAlloc = _holderTaxAlloc (#1104)
- marketingTaxAlloc = _marketingTaxAlloc (#1105)
- lpTaxAlloc = _lpTaxAlloc (#1106)
BAS.setMultiSigTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) (#1109-1133) should emit an event for:
- totalTaxAlloc = holderTaxAlloc.add(marketingTaxAlloc).add(lpTaxAlloc).add(_operationsTaxAlloc).add(_buybackTaxAlloc).add(_prizePoolTaxAlloc).add(_bountiesTaxAlloc).add(_daoTreasuryTaxAlloc) (#1119)
- operationsTaxAlloc = _operationsTaxAlloc (#1127)
- buybackTaxAlloc = _buybackTaxAlloc (#1128)
- prizePoolTaxAlloc = _prizePoolTaxAlloc (#1129)
- bountiesTaxAlloc = _bountiesTaxAlloc (#1130)
- daoTreasuryTaxAlloc = _daoTreasuryTaxAlloc (#1131)
Emit an event for critical parameter changes.

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BAS.constructor(address)._marketingAddress (#536) lacks a zero-check on :
- marketingAddress = _marketingAddress (#540)
BAS.setMarketingAddress(address)._marketingAddress (#1135) lacks a zero-check on :
- marketingAddress = _marketingAddress (#1136)
BAS.setLpStakingAddress(address)._lpStakingAddress (#1139) lacks a zero-check on :
- lpStakingAddress = _lpStakingAddress (#1140)
BAS.setOperationsMultiSigAddress(address)._operationsMultiSigAddress (#1143) lacks a zero-check on :
- operationsMultiSigAddress = _operationsMultiSigAddress (#1144)
BAS.setBuybackMultiSigAddress(address)._buybackMultiSigAddress (#1147) lacks a zero-check on :
- buybackMultiSigAddress = _buybackMultiSigAddress (#1148)
BAS.setPrizePoolMultiSigAddress(address)._prizePoolMultiSigAddress (#1151) lacks a zero-check on :
- prizePoolMultiSigAddress = _prizePoolMultiSigAddress (#1152)
BAS.setBountiesMultiSigAddress(address)._bountiesMultiSigAddress (#1155) lacks a zero-check on :
- bountiesMultiSigAddress = _bountiesMultiSigAddress (#1156)
BAS.setDaoTreasuryMultiSigAddress(address)._daoTreasuryMultiSigAddress (#1159) lacks a zero-check on :
- daoTreasuryMultiSigAddress = _daoTreasuryMultiSigAddress (#1160)
Check that the address is not zero.

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Address.isContract(address) (#284-293) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#291)
Address._verifyCallResult(bool,bytes,string) (#405-422) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#414-417)
Do not use evm assembly.

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Address._verifyCallResult(bool,bytes,string) (#405-422) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes) (#337-339) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCall(address,bytes,string) (#347-349) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256) (#362-364) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#372-379) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes) (#387-389) is never used and should be removed
Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes,string) (#397-403) is never used and should be removed
Address.isContract(address) (#284-293) is never used and should be removed
Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#311-317) is never used and should be removed
Context._msgData() (#27-30) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256) (#241-243) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256,string) (#257-260) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

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BAS.totalTaxAlloc (#526) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- marketingTaxAlloc.add(holderTaxAlloc).add(lpTaxAlloc).add(operationsTaxAlloc).add(buybackTaxAlloc).add(prizePoolTaxAlloc).add(bountiesTaxAlloc).add(daoTreasuryTaxAlloc)
Remove any initialization of state variables via non-constant state variables or function calls. If variables must be set upon contract deployment, locate initialization in the constructor instead.

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Pragma version0.7.4 (#20) allows old versions
solc-0.7.4 is not recommended for deployment
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

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Low level call in Address.sendValue(address,uint256) (#311-317):
- (success) ={value: amount}() (#315)
Low level call in Address.functionCallWithValue(address,bytes,uint256,string) (#372-379):
- (success,returndata) ={value: value}(data) (#377)
Low level call in Address.functionStaticCall(address,bytes,string) (#397-403):
- (success,returndata) = target.staticcall(data) (#401)
Avoid low-level calls. Check the call success. If the call is meant for a contract, check for code existence

Additional information: link

Parameter BAS.balanceOf(address)._account (#569) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.transfer(address,uint256)._recipient (#576) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.transfer(address,uint256)._amount (#576) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.allowance(address,address)._owner (#581) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.allowance(address,address)._spender (#581) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.approve(address,uint256)._spender (#585) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.approve(address,uint256)._amount (#585) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.transferFrom(address,address,uint256)._sender (#591) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.transferFrom(address,address,uint256)._recipient (#592) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.transferFrom(address,address,uint256)._amount (#593) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.increaseAllowance(address,uint256)._spender (#606) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.increaseAllowance(address,uint256)._addedValue (#606) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256)._spender (#611) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256)._subtractedValue (#611) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.isExcludedFromRewards(address)._account (#620) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.isExcludedFromFees(address)._account (#624) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.distribute(uint256)._actualAmount (#664) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.excludeFromFees(address)._account (#674) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.includeInFees(address)._account (#679) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.excludeFromRewards(address)._account (#684) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.includeInRewards(address)._account (#695) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.rewardsFromToken(uint256,bool)._actualAmount (#959) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.rewardsFromToken(uint256,bool)._deductTransferFee (#959) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.tokenWithRewards(uint256)._rewardAmount (#970) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setTaxPercentage(uint256)._taxPercentage (#1086) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256)._holderTaxAlloc (#1092) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256)._marketingTaxAlloc (#1093) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256)._lpTaxAlloc (#1094) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setMultiSigTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._operationsTaxAlloc (#1111) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setMultiSigTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._buybackTaxAlloc (#1112) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setMultiSigTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._prizePoolTaxAlloc (#1113) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setMultiSigTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._bountiesTaxAlloc (#1114) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setMultiSigTaxAllocations(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)._daoTreasuryTaxAlloc (#1115) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setMarketingAddress(address)._marketingAddress (#1135) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setLpStakingAddress(address)._lpStakingAddress (#1139) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setOperationsMultiSigAddress(address)._operationsMultiSigAddress (#1143) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setBuybackMultiSigAddress(address)._buybackMultiSigAddress (#1147) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setPrizePoolMultiSigAddress(address)._prizePoolMultiSigAddress (#1151) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setBountiesMultiSigAddress(address)._bountiesMultiSigAddress (#1155) is not in mixedCase
Parameter BAS.setDaoTreasuryMultiSigAddress(address)._daoTreasuryMultiSigAddress (#1159) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

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Redundant expression "this (#28)" inContext (#22-31)
Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

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BAS.constructor(address) (#536-551) uses literals with too many digits:
- excludeFromFees(address(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD)) (#550)
Use: Ether suffix, Time suffix, or The scientific notation

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owner() should be declared external:
- Ownable.owner() (#454-456)
renounceOwnership() should be declared external:
- Ownable.renounceOwnership() (#473-476)
transferOwnership(address) should be declared external:
- Ownable.transferOwnership(address) (#482-486)
balanceOf(address) should be declared external:
- BAS.balanceOf(address) (#569-574)
transfer(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BAS.transfer(address,uint256) (#576-579)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- BAS.allowance(address,address) (#581-583)
approve(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BAS.approve(address,uint256) (#585-588)
transferFrom(address,address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BAS.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) (#590-604)
increaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BAS.increaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#606-609)
decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- BAS.decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) (#611-618)
distribute(uint256) should be declared external:
- BAS.distribute(uint256) (#664-672)
includeInFees(address) should be declared external:
- BAS.includeInFees(address) (#679-682)
includeInRewards(address) should be declared external:
- BAS.includeInRewards(address) (#695-707)
rewardsFromToken(uint256,bool) should be declared external:
- BAS.rewardsFromToken(uint256,bool) (#959-968)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

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Token is deployed only at one blockchain

Unable to find PancakeSwap trading pair to compute liquidity.

Unable to find PancakeSwap trading pair to compute number of swaps.

Last post in Twitter was more than 30 days ago

Unable to find Youtube account

No disclosed threats

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Price for BAS

News for BAS