Sacred Tails Token Logo

ST [Sacred Tails] Token

About ST


Token 2 years
CoinGecko 2 years
CoinMarketCap 2 years
[CoinMarketCap] alert: Please be note that Sacred Tails has migrated to new contract address.
[CoinGecko] alert: Sacred Tails has recently migrated from their old contract to a new one. For more information, please visit this post.
white paper

Sacred Tails (ST) is a PVP play-to-earn blockchain-based 3D battle game that leverages opportunities available in the gaming and the NFT sectors through a strategically planned business model.

The game revolves around Shinsei which you can mint, breed and battle with. The setting of our world is a traditional Japanese village reinvented in a fantasy tone. The open world city will feature as the first of our MetaHubs where players can arrange to meet in game on the same world and battle, trade or just hang out in game.

The platform introduces two main NFTs — Shinsei and Land Plots.

ST tokenomics reward holders in our native token Sacred Tails $ST with 2%/4% rewards on buys and sells. 3% (BNB) tax goes towards marketing and development. 1% (BNB) is added to the prize pool pot for future hosted tournaments.

The in-game currency Sacred Tails Spheres ($STS) will be used throughout the game and can only be purchased by swapping $ST for it. By transferring in and out of the game it will generate volume for all the holders. Players taking advantage of the play to earn element will constantly push volumes to an ever increasing level. This also gives the more passive investors a reassurance in that their investment will continue to yield high returns due to the consistent volumes generated through the game.

Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 5 April 2023

Token seems to be (relatively) fine. It still become a scam, but probability is moderate.

Reentrancy in TokenCreation.refund() (#393-411):
External calls:
- extraBalance.payOut(address(this),extraBalance.getAccumulatedInput()) (#397)
- (success) ={value: (weiGiven[msg.sender])}() (#403)
External calls sending eth:
- (success) ={value: (weiGiven[msg.sender])}() (#403)
State variables written after the call(s):
- weiGiven[msg.sender] = 0 (#408)
Reentrancy in DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address) (#1795-1870):
External calls:
- p.splitData[0].newDAO = createNewDAO(_newCurator) (#1824)
- daoCreator.createDAO(_newCurator,0,0,(block.timestamp + SPLIT_EXECUTION_PERIOD),address(0),address(0),address(0),address(0)) (#2026)
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
External calls sending eth:
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
State variables written after the call(s):
- rewardToken[address(p.splitData[0].newDAO)] += rewardTokenToBeMoved (#1852)
- rewardToken[address(this)] -= rewardTokenToBeMoved (#1855)
Reentrancy in DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address) (#1795-1870):
External calls:
- p.splitData[0].newDAO = createNewDAO(_newCurator) (#1824)
- daoCreator.createDAO(_newCurator,0,0,(block.timestamp + SPLIT_EXECUTION_PERIOD),address(0),address(0),address(0),address(0)) (#2026)
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
- withdrawRewardFor(msg.sender) (#1864)
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
External calls sending eth:
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
State variables written after the call(s):
- _tTotal -= balances[msg.sender] (#1865)
- balances[msg.sender] = 0 (#1866)
- withdrawRewardFor(msg.sender) (#1864)
- lock = true (#1918)
- lock = false (#1927)
- lock = false (#1868)
- paidOut[msg.sender] = 0 (#1867)
Reentrancy in DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785):
External calls:
- (success,data) ={value: (p.amount)}(_transactionData) (#1763)
External calls sending eth:
- creator.transfer(p.proposalDeposit) (#1725)
- require(bool,string)(creator.send(p.proposalDeposit) == true,Transfer Not Done) (#1750)
- (success,data) ={value: (p.amount)}(_transactionData) (#1763)
State variables written after the call(s):
- p.proposalPassed = true (#1766)
- closeProposal(_proposalID) (#1781)
- = false (#1792)
- rewardToken[address(this)] += p.amount (#1776)
- closeProposal(_proposalID) (#1781)
- sumOfProposalDeposits -= p.proposalDeposit (#1791)
- totalRewardToken += p.amount (#1777)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Additional information: link

Pragma version0.8.0 (#283) allows old versions
Pragma version0.8.0 (#461) allows old versions
Pragma version0.8.0 (#122) allows old versions
solc-0.8.0 is not recommended for deployment
Pragma version0.8.0 (#27) allows old versions
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Additional information: link

Low level call in DAO.newContract(address) (#1872-1886):
- (success) ={value: address(this).balance}() (#1878)
Low level call in TokenCreation.refund() (#393-411):
- (success) ={value: (weiGiven[msg.sender])}() (#403)
Low level call in DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785):
- (success,data) ={value: (p.amount)}(_transactionData) (#1763)
Low level call in TokenCreation.createTokenProxy(address) (#366-391):
- (succes) = address(extraBalance).call{value: msg.value - token}() (#372)
Low level call in ManagedAccount.payOut(address,uint256) (#67-79):
- (success) = address(_recipient).call{value: _amount}() (#70)
Avoid low-level calls. Check the call success. If the call is meant for a contract, check for code existence

Additional information: link

DAO.includeInReward(address) (#1174-1186) has costly operations inside a loop:
- _excluded.pop() (#1182)
Use a local variable to hold the loop computation result.

Additional information: link

DAO.halveMinQuorum() (#2011-2022) is never used and should be removed
DAO.newContract(address) (#1872-1886) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Variable DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1286) is too similar to DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1562)
Variable DAO._getRValues(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1305) is too similar to DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1550)
Variable DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1286) is too similar to DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1285)
Variable DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1562) is too similar to DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1538)
Variable DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1189) is too similar to DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1285)
Variable DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1562) is too similar to DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1562)
Variable DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1538) is too similar to DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1285)
Variable DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1152) is too similar to DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1538)
Variable DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1152) is too similar to DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1562)
Variable DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1152) is too similar to DAO._getTValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1297)
Variable DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1286) is too similar to DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1189)
Variable DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1189) is too similar to DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1538)
Variable DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1538) is too similar to DAO._getTValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1297)
Variable DAO._getRValues(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1305) is too similar to DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1189)
Variable DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1286) is too similar to DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1538)
Variable DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1550) is too similar to DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1285)
Variable DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1538) is too similar to DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1189)
Variable DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1152) is too similar to DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1550)
Variable DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1562) is too similar to DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1285)
Variable DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1189) is too similar to DAO._getTValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1297)
Variable DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1550) is too similar to DAO._getTValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1297)
Variable DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1189) is too similar to DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1550)
Variable DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1550) is too similar to DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1550)
Variable DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1152) is too similar to DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1189)
Variable DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1562) is too similar to DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1189)
Variable DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1550) is too similar to DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1562)
Variable DAO._getRValues(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1305) is too similar to DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1285)
Variable DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1286) is too similar to DAO._getTValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1297)
Variable DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1189) is too similar to DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1562)
Variable DAO._getRValues(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1305) is too similar to DAO._getTValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1297)
Variable DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1538) is too similar to DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1562)
Variable DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1152) is too similar to DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1285)
Variable DAO._getValues(uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1286) is too similar to DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1550)
Variable DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1538) is too similar to DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1550)
Variable DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1538) is too similar to DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1538)
Variable DAO._getRValues(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1305) is too similar to DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1538)
Variable DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1562) is too similar to DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1550)
Variable DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1189) is too similar to DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1189)
Variable DAO._getRValues(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1305) is too similar to DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1562)
Variable DAO._transferFromExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1562) is too similar to DAO._getTValues(uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1297)
Variable DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1550) is too similar to DAO._transferBothExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1189)
Variable DAO._transferToExcluded(address,address,uint256,uint256).rTransferAmount (#1550) is too similar to DAO._transferStandard(address,address,uint256,uint256).tTransferAmount (#1538)
Prevent variables from having similar names.

Additional information: link

DAOInterface.CREATION_GRACE_PERIOD (#632) is never used in DAO (#949-2058)
Remove unused state variables.

Additional information: link

DAO.setSellSwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256,uint256) (#1237-1244) should emit an event for:
- sellTreasuryFee = _sellTreasuryFee (#1240)
- sellTournamentFee = _sellTournamentFee (#1241)
- sellCharityFee = _sellCharityFee (#1242)
- totalSellFees = sellTreasuryFee + sellTournamentFee + sellCharityFee (#1243)
DAO.setTransferFeePercent(uint256) (#1223-1227) should emit an event for:
- transferRewardfee = TransferFee (#1226)
DAO.setMaxTxPercent(uint256) (#1273-1277) should emit an event for:
- _maxTxAmount = ((_tTotal * maxTxPercent) / 10000) (#1276)
DAO.setBuySwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256) (#1229-1235) should emit an event for:
- buyTreasuryFee = _buyTreasuryFee (#1232)
- buyTournamentFee = _buyTournamentFee (#1233)
- totalBuyFees = buyTreasuryFee + buyTournamentFee (#1234)
DAO.setBuyFeePercent(uint256) (#1211-1215) should emit an event for:
- buyRewardfee = BuyFee (#1214)
DAO.setTransferSwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256) (#1246-1252) should emit an event for:
- transferTreasuryFee = _transferTreasuryFee (#1249)
- transferTournamentFee = _transferTournamentFee (#1250)
- totalTransferFees = transferTreasuryFee + transferTournamentFee (#1251)
DAO.setSellFeePercent(uint256) (#1217-1221) should emit an event for:
- sellRewardfee = SellFee (#1220)
Emit an event for critical parameter changes.

Additional information: link

Reentrancy in TokenCreation.createTokenProxy(address) (#366-391):
External calls:
- (succes) = address(extraBalance).call{value: msg.value - token}() (#372)
State variables written after the call(s):
- _tTotal += token (#378)
- balances[curators] += token (#374)
- require(bool,string)(initialTransfer(curators,_tokenHolder,token),Failed at InitialTransfer) (#375)
- balances[from] -= _amount (#356)
- balances[_to] += _amount (#357)
- balances[_tokenHolder] += token (#376)
- balances[curators] -= token (#377)
- isFueled = true (#382)
- weiGiven[_tokenHolder] += msg.value (#379)
Reentrancy in DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address) (#1795-1870):
External calls:
- p.splitData[0].newDAO = createNewDAO(_newCurator) (#1824)
- daoCreator.createDAO(_newCurator,0,0,(block.timestamp + SPLIT_EXECUTION_PERIOD),address(0),address(0),address(0),address(0)) (#2026)
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
External calls sending eth:
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
State variables written after the call(s):
- DAOpaidOut[address(p.splitData[0].newDAO)] += paidOutToBeMoved (#1857)
- DAOpaidOut[address(this)] -= paidOutToBeMoved (#1860)
Reentrancy in TokenCreation.refund() (#393-411):
External calls:
- extraBalance.payOut(address(this),extraBalance.getAccumulatedInput()) (#397)
- (success) ={value: (weiGiven[msg.sender])}() (#403)
External calls sending eth:
- (success) ={value: (weiGiven[msg.sender])}() (#403)
State variables written after the call(s):
- _totalSupply -= balances[msg.sender] (#406)
- balances[msg.sender] = 0 (#407)
Reentrancy in DAO.transferWithoutReward(address,uint256) (#1932-1936):
External calls:
- ! getMyReward() (#1933)
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
State variables written after the call(s):
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- _tFeeTotal = _tFeeTotal + tFee (#1281)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- allowedRecipients[recipient] = true (#1108)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- buyRewardfee = previousbuyRewardfee (#1386)
- buyRewardfee = 0 (#1365)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- feesValues[charityAddress] = feesValues[charityAddress] + charityFees (#1468)
- feesValues[treasuryAddress] = feesValues[treasuryAddress] + treasuryFees (#1476)
- feesValues[tournamentAddress] = feesValues[tournamentAddress] + tournamentFees (#1479)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- previousbuyRewardfee = buyRewardfee (#1364)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- previoussellRewardfee = sellRewardfee (#1370)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- previoustotalBuyFees = totalBuyFees (#1366)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- previoustotalSellFees = totalSellFees (#1372)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- previoustotalTranferFees = totalTransferFees (#1378)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- previoustransferRewardfee = transferRewardfee (#1376)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- rThValue = rFee (#1540)
- rThValue = rFee (#1564)
- rThValue = rFee (#1191)
- rThValue = rFee (#1552)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- sellRewardfee = previoussellRewardfee (#1390)
- sellRewardfee = 0 (#1371)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- thValue = tFee (#1539)
- thValue = tFee (#1190)
- thValue = tFee (#1551)
- thValue = tFee (#1563)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- totalBuyFees = previoustotalBuyFees (#1387)
- totalBuyFees = 0 (#1367)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- totalSellFees = previoustotalSellFees (#1391)
- totalSellFees = 0 (#1373)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- totalTransferFees = previoustotalTranferFees (#1395)
- totalTransferFees = 0 (#1379)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- transferRewardfee = previoustransferRewardfee (#1394)
- transferRewardfee = 0 (#1377)
Reentrancy in DAO.newContract(address) (#1872-1886):
External calls:
- (success) ={value: address(this).balance}() (#1878)
State variables written after the call(s):
- DAOpaidOut[_newContract] += DAOpaidOut[address(this)] (#1884)
- DAOpaidOut[address(this)] = 0 (#1885)
- rewardToken[_newContract] += rewardToken[address(this)] (#1882)
- rewardToken[address(this)] = 0 (#1883)
Reentrancy in DAO.transferFromWithoutReward(address,address,uint256) (#1939-1951):
External calls:
- ! withdrawRewardFor(_from) (#1946)
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
State variables written after the call(s):
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- _allowances[owner][spender] = amount (#1407)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- _tFeeTotal = _tFeeTotal + tFee (#1281)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- allowedRecipients[recipient] = true (#1124)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- buyRewardfee = previousbuyRewardfee (#1386)
- buyRewardfee = 0 (#1365)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- feesValues[charityAddress] = feesValues[charityAddress] + charityFees (#1468)
- feesValues[treasuryAddress] = feesValues[treasuryAddress] + treasuryFees (#1476)
- feesValues[tournamentAddress] = feesValues[tournamentAddress] + tournamentFees (#1479)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- previousbuyRewardfee = buyRewardfee (#1364)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- previoussellRewardfee = sellRewardfee (#1370)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- previoustotalBuyFees = totalBuyFees (#1366)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- previoustotalSellFees = totalSellFees (#1372)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- previoustotalTranferFees = totalTransferFees (#1378)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- previoustransferRewardfee = transferRewardfee (#1376)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- rThValue = rFee (#1540)
- rThValue = rFee (#1564)
- rThValue = rFee (#1191)
- rThValue = rFee (#1552)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- sellRewardfee = previoussellRewardfee (#1390)
- sellRewardfee = 0 (#1371)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- thValue = tFee (#1539)
- thValue = tFee (#1190)
- thValue = tFee (#1551)
- thValue = tFee (#1563)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- totalBuyFees = previoustotalBuyFees (#1387)
- totalBuyFees = 0 (#1367)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- totalSellFees = previoustotalSellFees (#1391)
- totalSellFees = 0 (#1373)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- totalTransferFees = previoustotalTranferFees (#1395)
- totalTransferFees = 0 (#1379)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- transferRewardfee = previoustransferRewardfee (#1394)
- transferRewardfee = 0 (#1377)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Additional information: link

Reentrancy in ManagedAccount.payOut(address,uint256) (#67-79):
External calls:
- (success) = address(_recipient).call{value: _amount}() (#70)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- PayOut(_recipient,_amount) (#73)
Reentrancy in DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785):
External calls:
- (success,data) ={value: (p.amount)}(_transactionData) (#1763)
External calls sending eth:
- creator.transfer(p.proposalDeposit) (#1725)
- require(bool,string)(creator.send(p.proposalDeposit) == true,Transfer Not Done) (#1750)
- (success,data) ={value: (p.amount)}(_transactionData) (#1763)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- ProposalTallied(_proposalID,_success,quorum) (#1784)
Reentrancy in DAO.transferWithoutReward(address,uint256) (#1932-1936):
External calls:
- ! getMyReward() (#1933)
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- Transfer(address(0),charityAddress,charityFees) (#1470)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1546)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1570)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1558)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1198)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- Transfer(address(0),tournamentAddress,tournamentFees) (#1481)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- Transfer(address(0),treasuryAddress,treasuryFees) (#1482)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
Reentrancy in TokenCreation.createTokenProxy(address) (#366-391):
External calls:
- (succes) = address(extraBalance).call{value: msg.value - token}() (#372)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- CreatedToken(_tokenHolder,token) (#380)
- FuelingToDate(_tTotal) (#383)
- Transfer(from,_to,_amount) (#358)
- require(bool,string)(initialTransfer(curators,_tokenHolder,token),Failed at InitialTransfer) (#375)
Reentrancy in TokenCreation.refund() (#393-411):
External calls:
- extraBalance.payOut(address(this),extraBalance.getAccumulatedInput()) (#397)
- (success) ={value: (weiGiven[msg.sender])}() (#403)
External calls sending eth:
- (success) ={value: (weiGiven[msg.sender])}() (#403)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- Refund(msg.sender,weiGiven[msg.sender]) (#405)
Reentrancy in DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address) (#1795-1870):
External calls:
- p.splitData[0].newDAO = createNewDAO(_newCurator) (#1824)
- daoCreator.createDAO(_newCurator,0,0,(block.timestamp + SPLIT_EXECUTION_PERIOD),address(0),address(0),address(0),address(0)) (#2026)
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
External calls sending eth:
- isTokensCreated = p.splitData[0].newDAO.createTokenProxy{value: fundsToBeMoved}(msg.sender) (#1842)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- Transfer(msg.sender,address(0),balances[msg.sender]) (#1863)
Reentrancy in DAO.transferFromWithoutReward(address,address,uint256) (#1939-1951):
External calls:
- ! withdrawRewardFor(_from) (#1946)
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- Approval(owner,spender,amount) (#1408)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- Transfer(address(0),charityAddress,charityFees) (#1470)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1546)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1558)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1570)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- Transfer(sender,recipient,tTransferAmount) (#1198)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- Transfer(address(0),tournamentAddress,tournamentFees) (#1481)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- Transfer(address(0),treasuryAddress,treasuryFees) (#1482)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Additional information: link

DAO.withdrawRewardFor(address) (#1916-1929) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- (balanceOf(_account) * rewardAccount.accumulatedInput()) / _tTotal < paidOut[_account] (#1919)
DAO.isBlocked(address) (#2042-2052) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- block.timestamp > p.votingDeadline (#2046)
TokenCreation.refund() (#393-411) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- block.timestamp > closingTime && ! isFueled (#394)
DAO.newProposal(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256,bool) (#1583-1644) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(balanceOf(msg.sender) != 0,Only a TokenHolders can create proposals) (#1591)
- block.timestamp + _debatingPeriod < block.timestamp (#1609)
DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- && block.timestamp > p.votingDeadline + waitPeriod (#1704)
- block.timestamp < p.votingDeadline || ! || p.proposalHash != keccak256(bytes)(abi.encode(p.recipient,p.amount,_transactionData)) (#1711-1715)
- _transactionData.length >= 4 && _transactionData[0] == 0x68 && _transactionData[1] == 0x37 && _transactionData[2] == 0xff && _transactionData[3] == 0x1e && quorum < minQuorum(actualBalance() + rewardToken[address(this)]) (#1737-1740)
- quorum >= minQuorum(p.amount) (#1745)
- quorum >= minQuorum(p.amount) && p.yea > p.nay && proposalCheck (#1759)
DAO.excludeFromReward(address) (#1163-1172) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- _rOwned[account] > 0 (#1167)
DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256) (#1146-1155) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(tAmount <= _tTotal,Amount must be less than supply) (#1147)
DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address) (#1795-1870) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(balanceOf(msg.sender) != 0,Only a TokenHolders can split dao) (#1799)
- block.timestamp < p.votingDeadline || block.timestamp > p.votingDeadline + SPLIT_EXECUTION_PERIOD || p.recipient != _newCurator || ! p.newCurator || ! p.votedYes[msg.sender] || (blocked[msg.sender] != _proposalID && blocked[msg.sender] != 0) (#1806-1816)
- rewardToken[address(this)] < rewardTokenToBeMoved (#1853)
- DAOpaidOut[address(this)] < paidOutToBeMoved (#1858)
DAO.tokenFromReflection(uint256) (#1157-1161) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(rAmount <= _rTotal,Amount must be less than total reflections) (#1158)
DAO.retrieveDAOReward(bool) (#1889-1909) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- (rewardToken[msg.sender] * DAOrewardAccount.getAccumulatedInput()) / totalRewardToken < DAOpaidOut[msg.sender] (#1892-1893)
DAO._transfer(address,address,uint256) (#1416-1453) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(amount <= _maxTxAmount,Transfer amount exceeds the maxTxAmount.) (#1425)
- require(bool,string)(amount <= sellMaxTxAmount,BEP20 : Sell Amount Exceed) (#1440)
TokenCreation.divisor() (#413-426) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- closingTime - 1209600 > block.timestamp (#417)
- closingTime - 345600 > block.timestamp (#420)
DAO.halveMinQuorum() (#2011-2022) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- (lastTimeMinQuorumMet < (block.timestamp - QUORUM_HALVING_PERIOD) || msg.sender == curator) && lastTimeMinQuorumMet < (block.timestamp - MIN_PROPOSAL_DEBATE_PERIOD) (#2014-2015),bool) (#1658-1688) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- require(bool,string)(balanceOf(msg.sender) != 0,Only a Token Holders can vote!) (#1662)
- p.votedYes[msg.sender] || p.votedNo[msg.sender] || block.timestamp >= p.votingDeadline (#1665-1667)
TokenCreation.initialTransfer(address,address,uint256) (#354-363) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- balances[from] >= _amount && _amount > 0 (#355)
DAO._getCurrentSupply() (#1314-1324) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- _rOwned[_excluded[i]] > rSupply || _tOwned[_excluded[i]] > tSupply (#1318)
- rSupply < (_rTotal / _tTotal) (#1322)
TokenCreation.createTokenProxy(address) (#366-391) uses timestamp for comparisons
Dangerous comparisons:
- block.timestamp < closingTime && msg.value > 0 && (privateCreation == address(0) || privateCreation == msg.sender) (#368-369)
- require(bool,string)(succes,failed to send at createTokenProxy) (#373)
- require(bool,string)(initialTransfer(curators,_tokenHolder,token),Failed at InitialTransfer) (#375)
- _tTotal >= minTokensToCreate && ! isFueled (#381)
Avoid relying on block.timestamp.

Additional information: link

DAO.totalBuyFees (#978) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- buyTreasuryFee + buyTournamentFee
DAO.totalSellFees (#986) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- sellTreasuryFee + sellTournamentFee + sellCharityFee
DAO.previoustotalTranferFees (#994) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- totalTransferFees
DAO._rTotal (#963) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- (MAX - (MAX % _tTotal))
DAO.previousbuyRewardfee (#975) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- buyRewardfee
DAO.previoustransferRewardfee (#990) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- transferRewardfee
DAO.previoussellRewardfee (#982) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- sellRewardfee
DAO.totalTransferFees (#993) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- transferTreasuryFee + transferTournamentFee
DAO.previoustotalBuyFees (#979) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- totalBuyFees
DAO.previoustotalSellFees (#987) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- totalSellFees
DAO._maxTxAmount (#1000) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- (_tTotal * 500) / 10000
DAO.sellMaxTxAmount (#1002) is set pre-construction with a non-constant function or state variable:
- (_tTotal * 500) / 10000
Remove any initialization of state variables via non-constant state variables or function calls. If variables must be set upon contract deployment, locate initialization in the constructor instead.

Additional information: link

Parameter DAO.calculateTaxFee(uint256,uint256)._amount (#1334) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.newProposal(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256,bool)._recipient (#1584) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.changeAllowedRecipients(address,bool)._allowed (#1979) is not in mixedCase
Parameter IpancakeV2Router02.removeSwappingETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256).Swapping (#588) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO_Creator.createDAO(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,address,address)._curator (#2062) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setTournamentAddress(address)._tournament (#1260) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.transferWithoutReward(address,uint256)._to (#1932) is not in mixedCase
Function IpancakeV2Pair.PERMIT_TYPEHASH() (#501) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.checkProposalCode(uint256,address,uint256,bytes)._amount (#1650) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setTreasuryAddress(address)._treasury (#1254) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenCreation.createTokenProxy(address)._tokenHolder (#366) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenCreation.initialTransfer(address,address,uint256)._amount (#354) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.restoreAllFee(uint256)._type (#1384) is not in mixedCase
Variable TokenInterface._tTotal (#202) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.retrieveDAOReward(bool)._toMembers (#1889) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.newProposal(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256,bool)._amount (#1585) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.calculateSwappingFee(uint256,uint256)._amount (#1348) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.viewFee(address)._user (#1574) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setTransferSwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256)._transferTournamentFee (#1246) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes)._transactionData (#1693) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO_Creator.createDAO(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,address,address)._minTokensToCreate (#2064) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.checkProposalCode(uint256,address,uint256,bytes)._recipient (#1649) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.transferFromWithoutReward(address,address,uint256)._value (#1942) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.changeProposalDeposit(uint256)._proposalDeposit (#1969) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setSellSwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256,uint256)._sellTournamentFee (#1237) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setTransferSwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256)._transferTreasuryFee (#1246) is not in mixedCase
Variable DAOInterface.DAOrewardAccount (#676) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.transferFromWithoutReward(address,address,uint256)._to (#1941) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.calculateSwappingFee(uint256,uint256)._type (#1348) is not in mixedCase
Function IpancakeV2Pair.MINIMUM_Swapping() (#518) is not in mixedCase
Parameter TokenCreation.initialTransfer(address,address,uint256)._to (#354) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO_Creator.createDAO(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,address,address)._tournamentAddress (#2068) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setSellSwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256,uint256)._sellTreasuryFee (#1237) is not in mixedCase
Parameter ManagedAccount.payOut(address,uint256)._recipient (#67) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO_Creator.createDAO(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,address,address)._treasuryAddress (#2067) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.newProposal(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256,bool)._description (#1586) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.isRecipientAllowed(address)._recipient (#1988) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.newProposal(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256,bool)._debatingPeriod (#1588) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.checkProposalCode(uint256,address,uint256,bytes)._transactionData (#1651) is not in mixedCase
Parameter,bool)._supportsProposal (#1660) is not in mixedCase
Function IpancakeV2Pair.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() (#500) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.isBlocked(address)._account (#2042) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.checkProposalCode(uint256,address,uint256,bytes)._proposalID (#1648) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes)._proposalID (#1692) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.newProposal(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256,bool)._transactionData (#1587) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.changeAllowedRecipients(address,bool)._recipient (#1979) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.calculateTaxFee(uint256,uint256)._type (#1334) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO_Creator.createDAO(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,address,address)._closingTime (#2065) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.withdrawRewardFor(address)._account (#1916) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO_Creator.createDAO(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,address,address)._proposalDeposit (#2063) is not in mixedCase
Function IpancakeV2Router01.WETH() (#540) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO_Creator.createDAO(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,address,address)._charityAddress (#2069) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address)._proposalID (#1796) is not in mixedCase
Parameter ManagedAccount.payOut(address,uint256)._amount (#67) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.transferFromWithoutReward(address,address,uint256)._from (#1940) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setBuySwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256)._buyTournamentFee (#1229) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setBuyFeePercent(uint256).BuyFee (#1211) is not in mixedCase
Variable TokenInterface._totalSupply (#200) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.newContract(address)._newContract (#1872) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.removeAllFee(uint256)._type (#1362) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256)._type (#1146) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.minQuorum(uint256)._value (#2004) is not in mixedCase
Parameter,bool)._proposalID (#1659) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.createNewDAO(address)._newCurator (#2024) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.newProposal(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256,bool)._newCurator (#1589) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setTransferFeePercent(uint256).TransferFee (#1223) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address)._newCurator (#1797) is not in mixedCase
Contract DAO_Creator (#2060-2085) is not in CapWords
Variable DAOInterface.DAOpaidOut (#679) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setCharityAddress(address)._charity (#1266) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.closeProposal(uint256)._proposalID (#1788) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.transferWithoutReward(address,uint256)._value (#1932) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setSellSwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256,uint256)._sellCharityFee (#1237) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setBuySwappingFeePercent(uint256,uint256)._buyTreasuryFee (#1229) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.setSellFeePercent(uint256).SellFee (#1217) is not in mixedCase
Parameter IpancakeV2Router02.removeSwappingETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint256,bool,uint8,bytes32,bytes32).Swapping (#596) is not in mixedCase
Variable TokenInterface._allowances (#197) is not in mixedCase
Parameter DAO.getNewDAOAddress(uint256)._proposalID (#2034) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Additional information: link

name() should be declared external:
- (#1068-1070)
isExcludedFromAntiwhale(address) should be declared external:
- DAO.isExcludedFromAntiwhale(address) (#1089-1091)
isExcludedFromFee(address) should be declared external:
- DAO.isExcludedFromFee(address) (#1399-1401)
isExcludedFromReward(address) should be declared external:
- DAO.isExcludedFromReward(address) (#1129-1131)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- DAO.allowance(address,address) (#1112-1114)
reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256) should be declared external:
- DAO.reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool,uint256) (#1146-1155)
decimals() should be declared external:
- DAO.decimals() (#1076-1078)
isExcludedFromMaxSell(address) should be declared external:
- DAO.isExcludedFromMaxSell(address) (#1097-1099)
transferWithoutReward(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- DAO.transferWithoutReward(address,uint256) (#1932-1936)
getNewDAOAddress(uint256) should be declared external:
- DAO.getNewDAOAddress(uint256) (#2034-2040)
getClosingTime() should be declared external:
- TokenCreation.getClosingTime() (#428-430)
numberOfProposals() should be declared external:
- DAO.numberOfProposals() (#2029-2032)
tokenHolderRewards() should be declared external:
- DAO.tokenHolderRewards() (#1290-1292)
symbol() should be declared external:
- DAO.symbol() (#1072-1074)
getLatestPrice() should be declared external:
- DAITOBNB.getLatestPrice() (#177-186)
getAccumulatedInput() should be declared external:
- ManagedAccount.getAccumulatedInput() (#81-83)
totalFees() should be declared external:
- DAO.totalFees() (#1133-1135)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link

DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address) (#1795-1870) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
-rewardTokenToBeMoved = (balances[msg.sender] * p.splitData[0].rewardToken) / p.splitData[0]._totalSupply (#1845-1847)
-paidOutToBeMoved = DAOpaidOut[address(this)] * rewardTokenToBeMoved / rewardToken[address(this)] (#1849-1850)
Consider ordering multiplication before division.

Additional information: link

Reentrancy in DAO.transferFromWithoutReward(address,address,uint256) (#1939-1951):
External calls:
- ! withdrawRewardFor(_from) (#1946)
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
State variables written after the call(s):
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- _rOwned[address(this)] = _rOwned[address(this)] + rSwapping (#1329)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1541)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1553)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1193)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1542)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1566)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1555)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1567)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1195)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- _rTotal = _rTotal - rFee (#1280)
- result = transferFrom(_from,_to,_value) (#1948)
- _tOwned[address(this)] = _tOwned[address(this)] + tSwapping (#1331)
- _tOwned[sender] = _tOwned[sender] - tAmount (#1192)
- _tOwned[sender] = _tOwned[sender] - tAmount (#1565)
- _tOwned[recipient] = _tOwned[recipient] + tTransferAmount (#1554)
- _tOwned[charityAddress] += charityFees (#1469)
- _tOwned[recipient] = _tOwned[recipient] + tTransferAmount (#1194)
- _tOwned[treasuryAddress] += treasuryFees (#1477)
- _tOwned[tournamentAddress] += tournamentFees (#1480)
- lock = false (#1949)
Reentrancy in DAO.splitDAO(uint256,address) (#1795-1870):
External calls:
- p.splitData[0].newDAO = createNewDAO(_newCurator) (#1824)
- daoCreator.createDAO(_newCurator,0,0,(block.timestamp + SPLIT_EXECUTION_PERIOD),address(0),address(0),address(0),address(0)) (#2026)
State variables written after the call(s):
- p.splitData[0].splitBalance = actualBalance() (#1831)
- p.splitData[0].rewardToken = rewardToken[address(this)] (#1832)
- p.splitData[0]._totalSupply = _tTotal (#1833)
- p.proposalPassed = true (#1834)
Reentrancy in DAO.transferWithoutReward(address,uint256) (#1932-1936):
External calls:
- ! getMyReward() (#1933)
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
State variables written after the call(s):
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- _rOwned[address(this)] = _rOwned[address(this)] + rSwapping (#1329)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1541)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1553)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1193)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1542)
- _rOwned[sender] = _rOwned[sender] - rAmount (#1566)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1555)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1567)
- _rOwned[recipient] = _rOwned[recipient] + rTransferAmount (#1195)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- _rTotal = _rTotal - rFee (#1280)
- transfer(_to,_value) (#1935)
- _tOwned[address(this)] = _tOwned[address(this)] + tSwapping (#1331)
- _tOwned[sender] = _tOwned[sender] - tAmount (#1192)
- _tOwned[sender] = _tOwned[sender] - tAmount (#1565)
- _tOwned[recipient] = _tOwned[recipient] + tTransferAmount (#1554)
- _tOwned[charityAddress] += charityFees (#1469)
- _tOwned[recipient] = _tOwned[recipient] + tTransferAmount (#1194)
- _tOwned[treasuryAddress] += treasuryFees (#1477)
- _tOwned[tournamentAddress] += tournamentFees (#1480)
Reentrancy in DAO.retrieveDAOReward(bool) (#1889-1909):
External calls:
- ! DAOrewardAccount.payOut(dao.rewardAccount.address,reward) (#1900)
- ! DAOrewardAccount.payOut(address(dao),reward) (#1904)
State variables written after the call(s):
- DAOpaidOut[msg.sender] += reward (#1907)
Reentrancy in DAO.withdrawRewardFor(address) (#1916-1929):
External calls:
- ! rewardAccount.payOut(_account,reward) (#1924)
State variables written after the call(s):
- lock = false (#1927)
- paidOut[_account] += reward (#1926)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Additional information: link

TokenCreation.refund() (#393-411) ignores return value by extraBalance.payOut(address(this),extraBalance.getAccumulatedInput()) (#397)
Ensure that all the return values of the function calls are used.

Additional information: link

DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785) compares to a boolean constant:
-require(bool,string)(success == true && data.length != 0,Transfer failed at excute result 580) (#1764)
DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785) compares to a boolean constant:
-require(bool,string)(creator.send(p.proposalDeposit) == true,Transfer Not Done) (#1750)
Remove the equality to the boolean constant.

Additional information: link

Reentrancy in DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785):
External calls:
- creator.transfer(p.proposalDeposit) (#1725)
- require(bool,string)(creator.send(p.proposalDeposit) == true,Transfer Not Done) (#1750)
State variables written after the call(s):
- lastTimeMinQuorumMet = block.timestamp (#1752)
- minQuorumDivisor = 5 (#1755)
Reentrancy in DAO.executeProposal(uint256,bytes) (#1691-1785):
External calls:
- creator.transfer(p.proposalDeposit) (#1725)
- require(bool,string)(creator.send(p.proposalDeposit) == true,Transfer Not Done) (#1750)
External calls sending eth:
- creator.transfer(p.proposalDeposit) (#1725)
- require(bool,string)(creator.send(p.proposalDeposit) == true,Transfer Not Done) (#1750)
- (success,data) ={value: (p.amount)}(_transactionData) (#1763)
State variables written after the call(s):
- p.proposalPassed = true (#1766)
- closeProposal(_proposalID) (#1781)
- = false (#1792)
- rewardToken[address(this)] += p.amount (#1776)
- closeProposal(_proposalID) (#1781)
- sumOfProposalDeposits -= p.proposalDeposit (#1791)
- totalRewardToken += p.amount (#1777)
Event emitted after the call(s):
- ProposalTallied(_proposalID,_success,quorum) (#1784)
Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Additional information: link


Average 30d PancakeSwap liquidity is less than $100. Token is either dead or inactive.

Average 30d number of PancakeSwap swaps is less than 1. Token is either dead or inactive.

Token is deployed only at one blockchain

Token has only one trading pair

Contract has 6% buy tax and 8% sell tax.
Taxes are low and contract ownership is renounced.

Twitter account link seems to be invalid

Unable to find Youtube account

Token is not listed at Mobula.Finance

Additional information: link

Token has relatively low CoinGecko rank

Token has relatively low CoinMarketCap rank

Price for ST