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DogeBNB [] Token

About DogeBNB


Token 2 years
CoinMarketCap 2 years
white paper token ($DogeBNB) is a meme currency powered by Binance Smart Chain & DogeBNB Nft platform. 

What Is the token (DogeBNB)?

Launched in 2021 September, DogeBNB is a community currency. DogeBNB brings Binance Smart Chain benefits and innovation to the masses.

DogeBNB is a blockchain research project, which employ the powers of blockchain technology to bring new-age finance and NFT-s to the world. DogeBNB token is the core element of the DogeBNB NFT platform. DogeBNB is a utility token that can be used to issue NFT-s, and part of the platform fees will be used to buy back and burn tokens.

DogeBNB tokenomics: 
According to white paper, DogeBNB was launched via fair distribution Initial Dex Offering on Julpad, 70% of the supply was allocated to the community. Total 60BNB was raised. 

10% supply for the team, 5% supply was allocated for the liquidity. 5% for the marketing and 5% for the airdrops, and 5% for the foundation. Taking DogeBNB Coin price today, that represents an almost 500% return on investment (ROI).

DogeBNB Innovation:  
1. Binance Smart Chain
2. Peer-to-peer 
3. Distributed via far distribution model 
4. Community-driven 
5. Backed with NFT-s 
6. Global & ultrafast payments 
7. Transaction cost ~ 0,1$ 
8. Fair launch token

Q4 - NFT platform on Binance Smart Chain


Laser Scorebeta Last Audit: 18 February 2022

Token seems to be (relatively) fine. It still become a scam, but probability is moderate.



Unable to find manual contract audit (e.g. Certik, PeckShield, Solidity...)

ERC20.______gap (#567) shadows:
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
ERC20Burnable.______gap (#600) shadows:
- ERC20.______gap (#567)
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
ERC20Detailed.______gap (#659) shadows:
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
MinterRole.______gap (#749) shadows:
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
ERC20Mintable.______gap (#782) shadows:
- MinterRole.______gap (#749)
- ERC20.______gap (#567)
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
PauserRole.______gap (#833) shadows:
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
Pausable.______gap (#914) shadows:
- PauserRole.______gap (#833)
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
ERC20Pausable.______gap (#957) shadows:
- Pausable.______gap (#914)
- PauserRole.______gap (#833)
- ERC20.______gap (#567)
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
Ownable.______gap (#1039) shadows:
- Initializable.______gap (#63)
Remove the state variable shadowing.

Additional information: link

Contract locking ether found:
Contract JulPadToken (#1053-1098) has payable functions:
- JulPadToken.fallback() (#1063)
But does not have a function to withdraw the ether
Remove the payable attribute or add a withdraw function.

Additional information: link

Contract name ( contains non-alphanumeric characters.
Not a direct threat, but may indicate unreliable intentions of developer. Non-alphanumeric chars (,.;!#*&") are extremely rare among low risk tokens.

Not a direct threat, but may indicate unreliable intentions of developer. Widespread names (e.g. Elon, King, Moon, Doge) are common among meme-tokens and scams. The allow to gain free hype and attract unexperienced investors.

ERC20Detailed.initialize(string,string,uint8).name (#622) shadows:
- (#631-633) (function)
ERC20Detailed.initialize(string,string,uint8).symbol (#622) shadows:
- ERC20Detailed.symbol() (#639-641) (function)
ERC20Detailed.initialize(string,string,uint8).decimals (#622) shadows:
- ERC20Detailed.decimals() (#655-657) (function)
JulPadToken.initialize(string,string,uint8,address).name (#1066) shadows:
- (#631-633) (function)
JulPadToken.initialize(string,string,uint8,address).symbol (#1067) shadows:
- ERC20Detailed.symbol() (#639-641) (function)
JulPadToken.initialize(string,string,uint8,address).decimals (#1068) shadows:
- ERC20Detailed.decimals() (#655-657) (function)
Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

Additional information: link

Ownable.initialize(address).sender (#983) lacks a zero-check on :
- _owner = sender (#984)
JulPadToken.initialize(string,string,uint8,address)._tokenOwner (#1069) lacks a zero-check on :
- tokenOwner = _tokenOwner (#1073)
JulPadToken.setOwner(address)._tokenOwner (#1088) lacks a zero-check on :
- tokenOwner = _tokenOwner (#1092)
Check that the address is not zero.

Additional information: link

Initializable.isConstructor() (#50-60) uses assembly
- INLINE ASM (#58)
Do not use evm assembly.

Additional information: link

Different versions of Solidity is used:
- Version used: ['0.5.16', '>=0.4.24<0.7.0', '^0.5.0']
- >=0.4.24<0.7.0 (#3)
- ^0.5.0 (#68)
- ^0.5.0 (#99)
- ^0.5.0 (#178)
- ^0.5.0 (#337)
- ^0.5.0 (#573)
- ^0.5.0 (#605)
- ^0.5.0 (#664)
- ^0.5.0 (#703)
- ^0.5.0 (#754)
- ^0.5.0 (#787)
- ^0.5.0 (#838)
- ^0.5.0 (#919)
- ^0.5.0 (#962)
- 0.5.16 (#1044)
Use one Solidity version.

Additional information: link

Context._msgData() (#91-94) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256) (#275-277) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.div(uint256,uint256,string) (#292-299) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256) (#312-314) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mod(uint256,uint256,string) (#329-332) is never used and should be removed
SafeMath.mul(uint256,uint256) (#250-262) is never used and should be removed
Remove unused functions.

Additional information: link

Pragma version>=0.4.24<0.7.0 (#3) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#68) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#99) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#178) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#337) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#573) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#605) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#664) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#703) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#754) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#787) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#838) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#919) allows old versions
Pragma version^0.5.0 (#962) allows old versions
Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions: 0.5.16 - 0.5.17, 0.6.11 - 0.6.12, 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Additional information: link

Variable Initializable.______gap (#63) is not in mixedCase
Variable ERC20.______gap (#567) is not in mixedCase
Variable ERC20Burnable.______gap (#600) is not in mixedCase
Variable ERC20Detailed.______gap (#659) is not in mixedCase
Variable MinterRole.______gap (#749) is not in mixedCase
Variable ERC20Mintable.______gap (#782) is not in mixedCase
Variable PauserRole.______gap (#833) is not in mixedCase
Variable Pausable.______gap (#914) is not in mixedCase
Variable ERC20Pausable.______gap (#957) is not in mixedCase
Variable Ownable.______gap (#1039) is not in mixedCase
Parameter JulPadToken.initialize(string,string,uint8,address)._tokenOwner (#1069) is not in mixedCase
Parameter JulPadToken.setOwner(address)._tokenOwner (#1088) is not in mixedCase
Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Additional information: link

Redundant expression "this (#92)" inContext (#81-95)
Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

Additional information: link

Ownable.______gap (#1039) is never used in JulPadToken (#1053-1098)
Remove unused state variables.

Additional information: link

totalSupply() should be declared external:
- ERC20.totalSupply() (#379-381)
balanceOf(address) should be declared external:
- ERC20.balanceOf(address) (#386-388)
allowance(address,address) should be declared external:
- ERC20.allowance(address,address) (#406-408)
burn(uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20Burnable.burn(uint256) (#589-591)
burnFrom(address,uint256) should be declared external:
- ERC20Burnable.burnFrom(address,uint256) (#596-598)
name() should be declared external:
- (#631-633)
symbol() should be declared external:
- ERC20Detailed.symbol() (#639-641)
decimals() should be declared external:
- ERC20Detailed.decimals() (#655-657)
addMinter(address) should be declared external:
- MinterRole.addMinter(address) (#731-733)
renounceMinter() should be declared external:
- MinterRole.renounceMinter() (#735-737)
mint(address,uint256) should be declared external:
-,uint256) (#777-780)
addPauser(address) should be declared external:
- PauserRole.addPauser(address) (#815-817)
renouncePauser() should be declared external:
- PauserRole.renouncePauser() (#819-821)
paused() should be declared external:
- Pausable.paused() (#878-880)
pause() should be declared external:
- Pausable.pause() (#901-904)
unpause() should be declared external:
- Pausable.unpause() (#909-912)
owner() should be declared external:
- Ownable.owner() (#991-993)
renounceOwnership() should be declared external:
- Ownable.renounceOwnership() (#1017-1020)
transferOwnership(address) should be declared external:
- Ownable.transferOwnership(address) (#1026-1028)
Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.

Additional information: link


Average 30d PancakeSwap volume is low.

Average PancakeSwap trading volume, liqudity, number of swaps are low. Token seems to be inactive.

Token is deployed only at one blockchain

Token has only one trading pair

Unable to find PancakeSwap trading pair to compute liquidity.

Unable to find PancakeSwap trading pair to compute number of swaps.

Unable to find Youtube account

Unable to find Discord account

Unable to find token contract audit

Unable to find audit link on the website

Unable to find token on CoinHunt

Additional information: link

Unable to find code repository for the project

Young tokens have high risks of scam / price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Young tokens have high risks of price dump / death

Token has relatively low CoinMarketCap rank

Price for DogeBNB

News for DogeBNB